House of Peace December’s Theme: Unity

Walk it Like I Talk it!

December’s Theme is Unity

Welcome to our monthly House of Peace nature walk.  Even if you are not able to walk with us in person in the Houston area, you are still able to participate via this blog post.  All themes of the month are universally designed (when put into practice), to restore and maintain your inner -peace. 

This month’s focus is Unity, in particular Self-Unity. Do you consider yourself a Unity Conscious Minded person? Do you practice Self-Unity?  

In the book, THE POWER CODES (The Language and Habits of the Most Powerful People on the Planet) Dr. Stephanie Jupiter writes, “Working together as one with others is not a reality if you are not working together as one with your whole self first.

At the House of Peace we define unity as cooperating with yourself.  A big part of cooperating with self is committing to who you are and your unique purpose. In addition, in order to experience Unity, it is highly important to be forgiving. Learning to be For- Giving is essential to living a life of PEACE and UNITY. All too often unity is only sought after on a surface level, such as engaging in various clubs, organizations, events, etc.  Practicing surface level unity only is what causes individuals and societies to devolve. At the House of Peace we focus on deeper level unity in order to break free from generational unhealthy cycles, so that we can live in FLOW. Deeper level unity is Self-Unity and it begins with developing a for-giveness practice. 

Anything we are bitter about and not forgiving of, prevents us from working together as one. When we do not forgive, it is highlighting a part of our lives that we are not accepting, thus preventing us from fully seeing a reflection of ourselves in others and learning. Any uncomfortable experience in our lives that we are not accepting is pointing our attention to an aspect of ourselves that we are struggling to embrace, for whatever reason. This aspect of ourselves that presented itself during the “unforgivable” experience is what we are having trouble uniting with and it is causing internal conflict. Oftentimes we don’t notice our internal conflict because we are so focused on the wrong that others did to us, therefore we only see the surface level conflict. This limited view of ourselves prevents us from healing and moving forward in UNITY. 

Unity within equals Unity without 

 In order to resolve any external conflict one must resolve their internal conflict first.


The Healthiest Way to Unite With Others is to Unite with Yourself First

During our nature walk this month, participants were asked to meditate on these questions: Are you united with yourself?  What does it mean to be forgiving? Do you have any experiences in your life that you have trouble forgiving? How has “unforgiveness” impacted your life”s journey?

Keep in mind that all of the schools of life-skills we discuss are all interconnected. Each Life Skill supports the other and all must be developed in order to continue to nurture your whole healthy self and Fully LIVE.  So make sure to review the previous month’s blog post themes. 

Check out our website frequently and/or join our facebook group page for regular updates. (

Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 7, 2024 (12:30pm -2pm) for our next House of PEACE Community Nature Walk. Stay PEACE -FILLED always. LOVE YOU!

4 thoughts on “House of Peace December’s Theme: Unity”

    1. Stephanie Jupiter

      Sister Queen Danielle,
      Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Life is all about learning about YOU. Peeling back the layers to truly get to know YOU is where the key to our freedom is. Sending lots of love for steadfastness as you courageously continue on your healing journey!!!!! Much Love!

  1. I agree fully with the information , and life lessons you are sharing Dr. Stephanie , and would always feel privileged to be given an opportunity to join when possible. To have the ability to keep up even remotely is truly a blessing . Thank you for your steadfast love , and inclusion in whatever projects you are working on.

    1. Stephanie Jupiter

      Brother Grand Master Shawn thank you for your post. Your pure heart is always a blessing. This year it is time to flow. Focus learning on wealth, this the key to being earthly good. 🙂

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