Walk it Like I Talk it!
September ‘s Theme is Self-Love Power
Welcome to our monthly House of Peace nature walk. Even if you are not able to walk with us in person in the Houston area you are still able to participate via this blog post. All themes of the month are universally designed (when put into practice), to restore and maintain your inner -peace.
This month’s focus is SELF- LOVE Power. Have you ever heard of Self -Love Power? Do you know what Self-Love Power is? Is your Self-Love Power Flowing?
In the book, THE POWER CODES (The Language and Habits of the Most Powerful People on the Planet) Dr. Stephanie Jupiter writes that, ” We consistently feel our power when we are trusting everything that we attract into our lives”
Trusting everything you attract into your life is not just about trusting the people and things, it is more about the reason why you are attracting the people and things. The universal purpose of all attracting forces is to bring an experience to your- self. Why an experience? It is said that experience is our greatest teacher. A teacher delivers a lesson. That being so, the attraction is deeper than the actual people and things. It is an opportunity to learn something. The most important question to ask ourselves during an experience is not what the lesson is about. It is WHO is the lesson about? If it is your experience the answer is always YOU.
In order to maximize comprehending the lesson about you, you must 1st accept and take full responsibility for all the experiences you have attracted to yourself. This is what we call SELF -LOVE.
Self-love power is the energy you generate when you take full responsibility for yourself. Self- Love Power is designed to strengthen you.
A common example of Self-Love is when you are in an emergency situation on an airplane and the oxygen mask drops down, Self- Love is you putting your oxygen mask on 1st before seeking to assist others. What internal resources and abilities will you be able to use to serve others if you don’t take care of what you need to be healthy 1st?
At the House of Peace we know that Peace equals Power. Therefore, if you want to manifest your unique vision, power/inner-peace is needed. If your inner- peace is disturbed, that is an inside job. (You did not put your oxygen mask on 1st). When you do not take full – responsibility for yourself, your inner -peace will be disturbed. That is a part of the divine laws and order.
During our nature walk this month, participants were asked to meditate on what their source of power is and is that source making them feel internally strong (inner-peace) or internally confused (stressed).
Thank you to everyone who joined in on the walk. We look forward to hearing more about your Self-Love Power practice this month.
Any questions or comments please text or call: 504-909-3182/email: sjupiter@brpi.org
Keep in mind that all of the schools of life-skills we discuss are all interconnected. Each Life Skill supports the other and all must be developed in order to continue to nurture your whole healthy self and Fully LIVE. So make sure to review the previous month’s themes.
Check out our website frequently and/or join our facebook group page for regular updates. (www.brpi.org)
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 8, 2023 (12:30pm -2pm) for our next House of PEACE Community Nature Walk. Stay PEACE -FILLED always. LOVE YOU!