Walk it Like I Talk it!
November’s Theme is Acceptance
Welcome to our monthly House of Peace nature walk. Even if you are not able to walk with us in person in the Houston area you are still able to participate via this blog post. All themes of the month are universally designed (when put into practice), to restore and maintain your inner -peace.
This month’s focus is Acceptance, in particular Self-Acceptance. Do you consider yourself an accepting person? Do you know what acceptance means?
In the book, THE POWER CODES (The Language and Habits of the Most Powerful People on the Planet) Dr. Stephanie Jupiter writes, “Accepting is being open to learning. Learning is all about becoming more aware of your unique purpose and gaining a greater understanding of how you function at your very best.“
In order to truly experience what it means to be in acceptance, you must be open to seeing your whole and true self. Whenever you deny, suppress or seek to hide any aspects of yourself, you interfere with your learning process. Furthermore, this consistent interruption causes and feeds into the idea that something is inherently wrong with you or that something is missing from you. In order to break free from this vicious, unhealthy cycle, a SELF- ACCEPTANCE practice is key. The absolute truth is, you are whole and complete always. Embracing this truth about yourself is how you maintain inner peace. From this inner peace state, no matter what you attract into your life your peace will go undisturbed because you recognize and welcome the opportunity to learn more about you.
In order to truly utilize the POWER of ACCEPTANCE, it is important to be able to make the distinction between Acceptance and Settling. For this explanation, let us look at the Serenity Prayer.
“God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.
When we do not take the time to get to know who we truly are and our unique purpose for being, then discerning what you can and cannot change will be a great challenge. Many people spend the majority of their lifetime seeking to control and change themselves. In this state of mind, a person is constantly working on something that they think is missing from themselves and do not realize that they are already whole and complete.Thinking that there is inherently something wrong with you or missing from who you are is what we term as Settling. Our mindset can be changed. Changing our limited view of ourselves into a more expansive one is how we demonstrate courage.
Hence, instead of working to change yourself, Accept Yourself. This will facilitate you getting to know thy-self beyond your physical existence. So when someone asks you, who are you? You will be able to respond confidently from an expanded view of your whole -self.
Many people repeat the saying, I am a divine being having a human experience. However, many people have not accepted what this powerful statement means.
During our nature walk this month, participants were asked to meditate on this question: Are you human or are you divine? Do you see yourself as the vehicle (human) or as the driver of your life (divine)? What does it mean to be the driver of your own life? If you are not the driver of your life then who is?
Keep in mind that all of the schools of life-skills we discuss are all interconnected. Each Life Skill supports the other and all must be developed in order to continue to nurture your whole healthy self and Fully LIVE. So make sure to review the previous month’s blog post themes.
Check out our website frequently and/or join our facebook group page for regular updates. (www.brpi.org)
Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 3, 2023 (12:30pm -2pm) for our next House of PEACE Community Nature Walk. Stay PEACE -FILLED always. LOVE YOU!