House of Peace Monthly Nature Walk – Theme Honesty

Walk it Like I Talk it!

May 2024 Theme is Honesty

Welcome to our monthly House of Peace nature walk.  Even if you do not reside in the Houston area you are still able to participate via this blog post. Feel free to join us virtually for a check in before walking and do some intuitive exercises on the theme of the month which will be stated on the flyer, on our website blog post or the Building Relationship Power Facebook page.

It is stated that April Showers bring May Flowers. The theme for April was patience. If you planted truth and showered your life with lots of patience then lots of Beautiful Authentic Flowers of  your truth are blooming in abundance this month. 

The theme for May is HONESTY. In particular, the focus is on the purpose of HONESTY. At the BRP Institute, one way we describe HONESTY is the action of expressing your truth. Honesty is also designed to be used as a tool to measure your relationship with your truth. Our clients find this tool very useful, yet very challenging on their path to self-discovery and freedom. Intuitively we all know it is the truth that sets us free. What we may not realize is whose truth sets us free. True honesty is not about exposing the truth about others. True honesty occurs when you are committed to telling and living your truth. This is the truth that will set you free, YOUR TRUTH.Therefore, if you are desiring freedom in any area of your life it would behoove you to check your honesty meter and grade your current relationship status with your truth. Many have asked: Why is it so challenging to be honest all the time? There are several beliefs and conditionings that support dis-honesty such as: the truth hurts, people don’t want to hear the truth, if I tell the truth I am not going to get what I want, etc. In addition, a trait that blocks us from being honest all the time is pride. Being truth-full all the time requires being humble. Humility is a character trait that our modern society has a decreased value for. On the outside humility may come across as a weakness because it may look like one is being misused or taken advantage of, however, internally humility reflects a devotion to one’s own truth. 

What is blooming in your life right now?

During our nature walk this month, participants were asked to meditate on the true purpose of honesty. Evaluate how challenging it is for you to express and live your truth at all times? Are you sacrificing your truth for the sake of pride? Does lying and pretending effectively maintain peace? How devoted are you to your truth?

Thank you to everyone who joined in on the walk. This month’s walk was exceptionally special because we had the pleasure of walking in the RAIN Showers. It was so freeing to be in the company of such beautiful souls committed to their own truth despite the weather conditions. We look forward to hearing more about your Honesty practice this month. 

Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 2, 2024 (12:30pm -2pm) for our next House of PEACE Community Nature Walk. May the PEACE be with you always.

Any questions please text or call: 281-905-5586/email:



3 thoughts on “House of Peace Monthly Nature Walk – Theme Honesty”

  1. Kenneth Mitchell

    Sometimes one has to decide what virtue is most appropriate, humility or honesty. For example, you win an award, prize or competition. Do you walk around telling every body? It’s certainly being honest and telling you truth. Or do you exercise humilty but keeping your accomplishment to yourself or sharing it with a few close friends or family members? In this case, telling your truth would be in conflict with humility. Such a delimna requires discernment.

    1. Stephanie Jupiter

      Greetings Divine Ken. Thanks for sharing a beautiful example of what may cause one to experience internal conflict when it comes to expressing one’s truth (honesty) and choosing to be humble. If we widen our perspective lens and take another look at honesty and humility on a deeper level we would see that awareness of our intentions and whose will and truth is being expressed in any given moment is very important to know. It is not boastful to share your truth in regards to the experience of receiving recognition for your work. Boastfulness is rooted in self -doubt, which leads to a search for external validation. It becomes obvious we are seeking external validation when we do not experience the validation we were expecting from others and exhibit lower vibration emotions and thoughts concerning the experience. When it comes to self-observing our relationship to honesty and humility it requires a mindfulness focus on ourselves for extended periods of time. Giving ourselves lots of self-attention is the the key to the ability to discerning these thin lines of virtues, character development, self-suppression and justified unchecked EGO conditionings.
      The pivotal question to ask oneself when observing and evaluating our behaviors is who is who is directing our behavior, thoughts, emotions and feelings: the divine or the human?
      This level contemplation is a journey and commitment to self realization daily.
      Celebrating and enjoying the fruits f your labor is very healthy. Self-suppressing and depriving one-self for the sake of how it looks to others is very unhealthy.
      WE GOT THIS!

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