House of Peace Monthly Nature Walk – Theme Patience

Walk it Like I Talk it!

April 2024 Theme is PATIENCE

Welcome to our monthly House of Peace nature walk.  Even if you do not reside in the Houston area you are still able to participate via this blog post. Feel free to join us virtually for a check in before walking and do some intuitive exercises on the themes of the month which will be stated on the flyer, on our website blog post or the Building Relationship Power Facebook page.

 This month’s theme is PATIENCEIn particular, we will focus on the purpose of PATIENCE. At the BRP Institute, one way we describe patience is being in a state of self – trust. In addition, self- trust also reflects a confidence in the divine laws to assist one with successfully fulfilling every true desire and goal one has in their life. We have also discovered that patience is to support the reclaiming and maintenance of inner -peace.  The measure of personal peace is personal clarity and contentment with one-self. At the center of peace and contentment with one-self is an acceptance of who you truly are and your unique purpose. Without this foundation, your patience maybe be very short and this is what can disturb your peace. This insight can be used as a simple road map to building patience and restoring inner peace. As one restores their peace, they also fully restore their enjoyment of life.

In developing the spiritual power to manifest the life you truly desire to experience, it is of primary importance to develop mental skills and a language that allows your innate intelligence to flow through your human vehicle at a high unobstructed speed.

The motto for the BRP Institute is Peace equals Power. If you want to manifest your divine vision, power is needed. Our motto highlights the realization that true Power is rooted in PEACE. In addition, cultivating authentic power is a part of a greater blueprint that aligns with divine laws and order. Adhering to these laws is what keeps us in alignment with our authentic power. Staying in compliance with the divine laws requires patience. 

Take time this month to develop the habit of being PATIENT. During our nature walk this month, participants were asked to meditate on getting clear about what it is the true purpose of patience. Self-investigate are you using patience what it is naturally designed for? When you are feeling irritated and impatient, what techniques do you use or can you use to re-build patience? Put these techniques into practice and evaluate there short term and long term effectiveness.

Thank you to everyone who joined in on the walk. We look forward to hearing more about your PATIENCE practice this month. 

Mark your calendars for May 5, 2024 (12:30pm -2pm) for our next House of PEACE Community Nature Walk. Stay PEACE -FILLED always.

Any questions please text or call: 281-905-5586/email:

4 thoughts on “House of Peace Monthly Nature Walk – Theme Patience”

  1. It was a truly beautiful experience!
    This week has truly been a testament of my patience. Am I totally where I need to be ,no. But with this experience, I was able to dig a little deeper into myself, and I realized that I didn’t even have patience for myself.
    So I will start there! Which is a great place to start

    1. Stephanie Jupiter

      Thanks Simone for sharing your patience and personal growth journey. You are doing an amazing job in the School of life. Developing patience can be a challenge. However, it is so worth the time, energy and attention. It is a direct path to experiencing peace and joy in all of life encounters. Keep going! You got this!!!!! Much love! We enjoyed having join us on the nature walk this month. See you at the next one.

    1. Stephanie Jupiter

      Thank you Divine Kee for your feedback and engagement. Yes patience is always on the table for growth. Your commitment to growth has also been a beautiful demonstration of what patience looks like as well!

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